By Emma Peterson. Descubre estas historias sobre cómo los contratistas están devolviendo a quienes han dado lo máximo por nuestro país. En la comunidad de techadores, a menudo hablamos de dar a los propietarios de viviendas y edificios tranquilidad con sus techos. Como explicó James Klein, coordinador de proyectos en un trabajo ...
The company continues its commitment to the military as an Admiral Level donor. ABC Supply Co., Inc., the largest wholesale distributor of roofing and other select exterior and interior building products in North America, joined in the recent commissioning ceremony of the USS Beloit (LCS 29), a Freedom-variant littoral combat ship. ...
By Hannah Ford. Roofers come together to donate roofs to their communities. Acts of kindness are making a difference to both people and organizations all over the nation. Many generous roofers have supported their communities by contributing roofs! By lending their time, energy and resources, many individuals have received the help and ...
Think Third Patriot Project honors U.S. military members and veterans. On Spring of 2025, active-duty U.S. Army Specialist (Spc) Corey Locker will receive a brand-new roof from The Third Estimate, as part of the Think Third Patriot Project. This initiative is dedicated to giving back to military members and veterans who ...
Beacon of Hope program provides Veterans with secure roofs. This Veteran’s Day, Beacon (Nasdaq: BECN) announced the 14 grand-prize winners of its annual Beacon of Hope® program, an initiative aimed at honoring Veterans throughout North America for their service by supporting them with a brand-new roof, free of charge. Together with ...
School launch concludes the 2024 fall semester kick-off! Tremco Construction Products Group (Tremco CPG), a global construction products manufacturer, is proud to announce the addition of Hopewell High School (Hopewell) as an education partner in the Charlotte metropolitan area for its nationally renowned Rising Stars Program. The program officially launched at ...
By Hannah Ford. Veteran Si Robertson’s new roof pays tribute to his military legacy. Si Robertson has worn many hats throughout his lifetime. He’s been a tv personality, a reed maker for duck calling and most heroically, an Army veteran. Si has participated in several shows but is most ...
By Hannah Ford. Read about one Navy Veteran’s story of resilience in the face of a strenuous health journey. Texas weather can be full of harsh storms and hot temperatures. Every house needs a roof in good shape to protect their homeowners. For Deanna Tindall, her roof had been ...
By SRS Distribution. For the second year in a row, SRS is partnering with the nonprofit organization 9/11 Day whose mission is to inspire Americans to rekindle the spirit of unity and compassion that arose from the aftermath of that terrible day. Today, our nation will observe the anniversary of the September ...
By Jessica Bravo. Veteran feels blessed after receiving a new roof. A sign that signifies answered prayers greeted Derek Ingram at his front door. The sign read, “Giving back to those who served,” and in this case, it was a heartfelt gesture for Ingram, a U.S. Army veteran. ...