By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. NRCA is supporting a proposal from Standard Industries for tax incentives to stimulate demand for construction. Standard Industries, the parent company of GAF, is proposing that the federal government consider a 30 percent federal tax credit for the cost of improvements to residential and commercial buildings. ...
Editor's note: The following is a COVID-19 update from ARCA. Governor Doug Ducey held a press conference recently to announce updated COVID-19 guidance aimed at preventing spread. Ducey announced that local governments may now implement mask/face covering policies as well as determine enforcement for these policies. As you may remember, Governor Ducey's ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Login to the Western Roofing Expo on July 15, 2020, to learn how to attract and retain talent amidst a growing labor shortage. As everyone adjusts to the “new normal” caused by the Coronavirus pandemic, there are many changes to how people are conducting business and how ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. The Western Roofing Expo is going virtual, as are the educational sessions! The Coronavirus has created a “new normal” for everyone in terms of how business is conducted. Teleworking has forced us to communicate virtually with one another, which has proven to be successful over the ...
By Ellen Thorp, NWiR Executive Director. Notes From the NWIR Office Shortly after states started issuing “Stay at Home” orders in mid-March, my colleagues and I who run our industry’s associations jumped into action. Many of us have significant government relations experience and we could see that proactive monitoring and engagement ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Who’s ready to launch into the virtual Western Roofing Expo on July 1-15, 2020? Whether you’re at home or working in your office July 1-15, 2020, join Western States Roofing Contractor Association (WSRCA) for their first-ever Virtual Western Roofing Expo (VWRE). Due to travel bans and ...
Videos will provide a quick look into how RCS Partners are helping contractors. RoofersCoffeeShop®, the award-winning place where the industry meets for technology, information and everyday business, announces the addition of Who We Are Videos (WWAV) to RoofersCoffeeShop (RCS) Partners’ directories. WWAV’s deliver fun, up-close video introductions of RCS Partners. Manufacturers, ...
By Gary Thill, IRE. With nearly 10 years in Congress and almost 30 years as a roofer himself, few people are more qualified to assess the current situation — and provide future forecasts — than NRCA CEO Reid Ribble. Recently, Ribble sat down with IRE Business Update for a far-reaching Q&A covering ...
By Metal Roofing Alliance. Experts say it’s essential to take protective readiness steps earlier this year. Editor's note: Share this important information with your customers so they are ready for hurricane season. Batten down the hatches: The 2020 hurricane season, which officially starts June 1, has leading experts predicting above-normal ...
By NRCA. The Challenge is a fun way to support the charity's emergency response fund. The Ronald McDonald House Charities® #CardChallenge aims to raise awareness and funds for the RMHC Chapter Emergency Response Fund, a fund set up to help Chapters experiencing severe financial hardships. Driven by social media, the campaign is a ...