By IRE. Hi, I'm Regina! Would you like to win some prizes? My human friends at IRE are so excited to have me as part of the 2020 IRE show - they created a game just about me! It’s called “Find Regina the Roofer”. They are hiding 10 mini Find ...
Registration open for Annual Convention & Expo to feature awards, golf tournament, exhibit hall, certification programs, education sessions, SPF Street Festival and more. The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) kicks off The Sprayfoam Show, its annual convention and expo, February 11 through 14 in Pasadena, California. This year, the largest annual ...
By Heidi J. Ellsworth, RCS Partner. IB Roof Systems continues to work with school associations like the Texas Association of School Administration (TASA) January 26-29, 2020 in Austin, Texas. IB Roof Systems has always been committed to working with schools to provide a safe and dry place for children. They know that ...
By Jennifer Stone, NWiR Chair. National Women in Roofing has lots of exciting activities planned for the International Roofing Expo. I am so excited to see you in a couple of weeks in Dallas! As you know, NWiR has a significant presence at the IRE, which is detailed on the NWiR website. ...
The 50-year roofing industry veteran launches the 2020 TAMKO Roadshow with with hands-on demonstrations for roofing professionals in the TAMKO booths at both IBS and IRE Across America, roofing professionals are learning how to save time and money from TAMKO’s Rick the Roofer® as he offers first-hand product and industry knowledge ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Hear from a former NFL Super Bowl-winning coach, learn strategies to hire and maintain talent, and network with other professionals at the NERCA annual convention and trade show March 17-19. Join the North/East Roofing Contractors Association (NERCA) for their 94th annual convention and trade show March 17-19, ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. NRCA is providing free ProCertification™ exams and free IRE trade show passes for a limited time. Reasons to attend the International Roofing Expo (IRE) just got better! The National Roofing Contractors Association is offering FREE NRCA ProCertification hands-on performance exams. They are also providing free ...
Change reflects full product range and brings together 40 brands to help customers build more. Beacon (Nasdaq: BECN) announced today that its 40 brands across the U.S. and Canada that sell exterior products will now be named Beacon Building Products. This new name reflects Beacon’s ability to supply customers with both ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. NWIR is offering you everything you need to justify attending NWIR Day on February 2. NWIR Day is only a few weeks away! Leadership at National Women in Roofing (NWIR) understands it can be difficult to convey the importance of this conference to your boss or ...
Five finalist construction management schools to compete at the 2020 International Roofing Expo® on February 5, 2020. The Roofing Alliance, the foundation of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), proudly announces the five finalist teams in the 2020 Construction Management Student Competition. Celebrating its sixth year, the competition had eight schools ...