By Dani Sheehan. Better safe than sorry! Learn about potential cybersecurity attacks and what steps you can take to mitigate your company’s risk. In season five, episode 45 of Roofing Road Trips, Heidi J. Ellsworth sits down with Adams and Reese Counsel Roy Hadley to discuss the importance of cybersecurity ...
By Trent Cotney, Adams and Reese, LLC. With heat waves sweeping the nation, this new law may eliminate regulations put in place to keep outdoor laborers safe. Learn more about the potential impacts and what to expect in the future. With rising temperatures across the nation, cities everywhere are facing ...
By Adam Cabrera. Proper training, documentation and communication are key to risk mitigation. In a recent episode of Roofing Road Trips, David Toney of Adams and Reese, a law firm known for construction law, shed light on common pitfalls faced by roofing contractors and the significance of being well-prepared to ...
By Adams and Reese. This “mentorship in a book” provides helpful insights from 55 black lawyers of all types of professional backgrounds. Suntrease Williams-Maynard, a Special Counsel at Adams and Reese, has contributed to the groundbreaking book "Lessons from Successful African American Lawyers: Practical Wisdom for Those on the Path ...
By Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. Stay on schedule and avoid penalties with these time-saving tips for contractors. Finishing any construction project on time is crucial if a contractor wants to keep a positive cash flow between projects. If you fail to meet a deadline, it could lead to legal damages ...
The question whether an employer would able to force an employee to be vaccinated has been asked numerous times without any clear and concise answer. ll employers have suffered severe impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, be it because their business has been negatively impacted or be it continued disruptions in ...
By Cotney Attorneys and Consultants. What the new and evolving guidelines mean for your business. Throughout the pandemic, there has been a degree of grey area when it comes to following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. The new guidance issued on May 13, 2021, is no ...
By John Kenney, COO of Cotney, Attorneys & Consultants; CEO of Cotney Consulting; CIO Cotney Capital Corporation Experts expect Latin America's economy to recover in 2021 after enduring its worst recession in recent history due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, there are risks ahead for the construction industry due to muted incomes, ...
By Cotney - Attorneys & Consultants. After being inaugurated on January 20, President Biden wasted no time signing executive orders and rolling out other plans for change. Although many actions will need to shake out over the coming months, it seems clear that he intends to make modifications in the workplace. Below ...
By Cotney Construction Law. Did you make personal resolutions for 2021? What about resolutions for your business? It is a new year, and you likely entered 2021 with a host of resolutions for your personal life. But what about resolutions for your business? Just as you should take stock of yourself, you ...