By John Kenney, Cotney Consulting Group. When working on roofs, safety continues to be an ongoing issue that causes avoidable deaths. In the construction industry, heights are the leading cause of severe injury and death, and of the deaths, falls from rooftops constitute at least a third. Roofers ...
By Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. Employers will need to continue to be flexible, adaptive and creative in their approaches to COVID-19. Pretty much no one in the United States has been able to get by without feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. And now, on top of that, there is the ...
By Cotney Attorneys and Consultants. What the new and evolving guidelines mean for your business. Throughout the pandemic, there has been a degree of grey area when it comes to following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines. The new guidance issued on May 13, 2021, is no ...
By John Kenney, COO of Cotney, Attorneys & Consultants; CEO of Cotney Consulting; CIO Cotney Capital Corporation Experts expect Latin America's economy to recover in 2021 after enduring its worst recession in recent history due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Still, there are risks ahead for the construction industry due to muted incomes, ...
By Cotney Attorneys & Consultants. The main goals of the NEP are to protect employees in high-hazard industries. On January 21, 2021, President Joe Biden issued an executive order that directed the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) to address the COVID-19 pandemic by providing revised ...
By Richard V. Blystone, Cotney Construction Law. Guidance for employers in the construction industry to keep workers protected and help prevent infection. You may have furloughed workers, laid them off, terminated them or otherwise reduced your workforce, in response to the pandemic. As restrictions are lifted, and things slowly return to a ...