

By Pli-Dek. Learn why summer is such a popular time ...
By Emma Peterson. Learn how to streamline your invoicing and ...
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METALCON - Side Bar - Ticket Giveaway
Geocel - Sidebar - 50th Anniversary - Feb 2024
Uniflex - Sidebar - Silicone Colors - Feb 24
Mule-Hide - Sidebar Ad - Warranty Portal
SOPREMA - Sidebar Ad - The Right Coatings for the Right Roofs (RLW on-demand)
Pli-Dek - Sidebar - Only the Best - June


NWIR Grell Shows Signs of Growth

Erica Grell Knows Roofing

By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Grell Roofing continues to be a family business. Grell Roofing will remain in the family now that Erica Grell is the sole owner. Having been involved in the business since 2008, she became manager by 2012, and just last year in 2018 took over the company. ...

Duro-Last Helps Building Qualify for Toronto Grants

Duro-Last® Helps Buildings Qualify for Toronto Grants

Contractors can help their customers earn money toward installing an eco-friendly Duro-Last cool roof. The city of Toronto now offers grant incentives for eco-friendly roofing systems, including cool roofs, on commercial buildings. Cool roofs are designed to reflect the sun’s rays and reduce heat build-up, mitigating dangerous urban heat islands that ...

Duro-Last Cold Weather Installation

Cold Weather Installation with Duro-Last® Custom-Fabrication

By: Don Garno, Custom-Fabrication Product Manager, Duro-Last. Weather can play a significant role in productivity during the colder months of the year in Northern climates. Between frigid temperatures, unpredictable rooftop conditions, and hard to handle materials, contractors can find it difficult to continue their projects into the winter months. Custom-fabricated Duro-Last deck ...

Duro-Last ASTM Standards

Ensuring Quality with ASTM Standards

By Mary Koutras, Research & Development Technical Leader, Duro-Last. Members of the Duro-Last Research and Development team are actively involved in ASTM and represented the company at the annual Committee Week. Have you ever looked at a package or tag on a product and seen the statement “Conforms to ASTM X-XXXX”? ...

Duro-Last Air National Guard and Roofing

The South Pole, NY Air National Guard and Duro-Last® Roofing Systems

By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. Those are three things that you might not associate with the other, but they do have something roofing-related tying them together. Captain Jessica Algier, pilot for the 139th Airlift Squadron with the New York National Guard, was recently deployed to provide support to the National Science ...

RCS - Top 5 Aug 2019

Giving Back, Education and Safety Were all Popular Topics in August

By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. Here’s what’s trending on RoofersCoffeeShop® this past month. Each month we take a look at the most popular articles from the previous month. August was a really busy roofing month but there’s always time for a quick check-in with the Coffee Shop to see what’s going ...

Duro-Last CyberSecurity

CyberSecurity: Minimize Your Risk of Attack

By Jeff Shrum, Duro-Last IT Manager. Every business should take steps to protect themselves from cyber attacks. As someone who has been in the IT field for 35 years, I have been privileged to experience some amazing advancements firsthand, including email and shortly thereafter the Internet. Both of these tools revolutionized communication and ...

Duro-Last Metal Roofing Award

Duro-Last® 2018 Metal Roofing Award Goes to Research Center

The aging building was experiencing nearly 100 leaks among the roof and walls each time it rained. The National Warmwater Aquaculture Center (NWAC), an extension of Mississippi State University, functions to identify and improve the short- and long-term problems facing the aquaculture industry. The aged building – which houses a variety ...

Duro-Last Changes to Industry Standards

Prepare Yourself for Changes to Industry Standards

By: Ryan VanWert, Director of Engineering Services, Duro-Last. As testing and product evaluation methods become more sophisticated, we are starting to see some big changes take effect in the industry. If you haven’t heard already, the American Society of Civil Engineers’ ASCE 7-16, Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and ...

Duro-Last Exceptional Metals Western Roofing Cover

Withstanding The Elements

By Melissa Lee, Marketing communications manager, Duro-Last, Inc. New Metal Roof for Oregon’s Crater Lake National Park Crater Lake National Park, located along the Cascade Mountain Range in Southern Oregon, has long been a popular destination for travelers from every corner of the world. Formed over 7,700 years ago when Mount Mazama ...

Showing: 151 - 160 of 212
Beacon - Banner Ad - Beacon of Hope Nominations 2024


By Pli-Dek. Learn why summer is such a popular time ...
By Emma Peterson. Learn how to streamline your invoicing and ...
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SOPREMA - Sidebar Ad - The Right Coatings for the Right Roofs (RLW on-demand)
EVERROOF - Clemson Giveaway 2 - Sidebar
Progressive Materials - Sidebar - Free Samples
Contractor Outlook - Sponsored by SRS
METALCON - Side Bar - Ticket Giveaway
Geocel - Sidebar - 50th Anniversary - Feb 2024