IKO GoldSeam™ tape provides critical protection against water infiltration. IKO recently introduced GoldSeam, a multipurpose roof tape. The product can be used in a variety of deck protection applications, including as a seam tape for the roof deck; a sealant for critical roof joints, such as small gaps around the eave ...
IKO EdgeSeal™ ensures roof perimeter remains secure with powerful self-sealing membrane. IKO recently introduced EdgeSeal, a double-sided, self-sealing adhesive starter roll designed to bond shingles to the roof deck at the roof's most vulnerable area - its perimeter. IKO's EdgeSeal serves as an upgrade option for contractors, providing a higher-quality ...
Popular Shingles Rated as "Impact Resistant" Do Not Perform Equally Across the country, year after year, hailstorms are pounding roofs and causing damage. Today, Minnesota homeowners in the Delano community are assessing the damage from Monday's giant hail. One year ago, residents in Colorado Springs were doing the same. In between, ...
By Malarkey Roofing Products. Malarkey Roofing Products® manufactures building products to perform against the demands of severe weather events and ensure peace of mind. To accomplish this task, we develop innovative solutions to the problems of poor shingle performance in the face of severe weather. With partners such as 3M, who provide ...
The slow season poses an excellent opportunity to inquire about certifications with the Malarkey Certified Contractor Program for those who haven’t already. Becoming a Certified Residential Contractor allows you to become a trusted partner with roofing manufacturer, Malarkey Roofing Products®. The Certified Residential Contractor Program offers numerous advantages, providing confidence to ...
For many roofing contractors, the colder, wetter winter months yield a little less time on the roof and more time in the office. A perfect time for continuing education. by Malarkey Roofing Products. The roofing business involves more than just setting shingles, of course. There are crews, materials and budgets to manage ...