By Satta Sarmah Hightower. The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed how we live, work, and interact. Social distancing is now the norm, which means businesses must find new ways to engage customers. However, you can still nurture leads and hold consultations while following recommended distancing practices. You just have to be creative in your ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Myths and mistakes related to attic ventilation. In part 1 and part 2 of this attic ventilation series, we discussed the importance of proper attic ventilation and how to create a balanced system. In part 3 we explore myths and mistakes. There are a variety of myths ...
By GAF. When installing TPO or PVC, the corners and perimeters of a building require more fasteners than the field due to higher uplift pressures. In this segment of the Roofing it Right miniseries on the Top Ten Mistakes in Low Slope Roofing, GAF Senior Commercial Training Specialists Dave Scott and Wally ...
Editor's note: The following is a notification from GAF Everything can be done at the recommended distance. Thanks to tools like digital measurement, payment platforms, and teleconferencing, there’s no need to sell from inside the customer’s home. Each step of the process — from the initial consultation to payment to installation — ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Creating a balanced attic ventilation system. In part 1 of this attic ventilation series, we covered the important role that the attic ventilation system plays in the performance of a roof. Part 2 explores how to create a balanced system that performs properly. In part 3 we ...
By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. GAF had a strong showing in this year’s exhibit hall and perhaps the best giveaway: a Ford F-150 loaded with Timberline® HDZ™ shingles. If you attended the International Roofing Expo® in Dallas this year, you couldn’t miss GAF’s presence at the front of the exhibit hall. ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Attic ventilation is the key to a roof’s long and healthy life. Ventilation systems are a necessity in attics. Their purpose is to, “allow fresh air to enter the attic and excess heat and moisture to escape,” according to the Roof Saver Ridge Vent eBook. ...
By Lauren White, RCS Reporter. Don’t miss this premiere event on March 26-31, 2020. The 2020 IIBEC International Convention and Trade Show will be six full days of networking, product demonstrations, events, and learning. The International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants (IIBEC) is hosting this premier event from March 26-31, 2020 ...
By GAF. A case study shows the minimal impact of the winter sun. There has been a school of thought that dark roofs help heat buildings located in the north during winter. Articles claiming this to be the case have always been based on the use of electric heat. Gas heat is ...
By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. Here’s what’s trending on RoofersCoffeeShop® this past month. Back in January, the International Roofing Expo (IRE) was on the forefront of everyone’s minds and it was obvious because our story on SRS Distribution bringing Journey to Gilley’s in Dallas was far and away the most popular. ...