By Cass Jacoby. One of the biggest risks your company currently faces is cyber liability, here is why you should double-check your cyber security insurance coverage now rather than later. Cyber security is most likely something at the back of your mind that you know you should focus more on ...
Van Dyne served as WSRCA’s 18th President from 1991-1992. Dean Van Dyne, former Western States Roofing Contractors Association (WSRCA) president, has passed away at the age of 87. Van Dyne graduated with an Associate Mechanical Engineering Degree in 1955 from Southern Colorado State, a Bachelor of Science Degree in ...
By Cass Jacoby. Learn all about how this premier legal conference for roofing contractors delivers a whole new level of support to contractors in addition to a hefty dose of perspective. As someone in the roofing industry, you know just how important it is to keep your company at the ...
By John Kenney, Cotney Consulting Group. Benefits and guidelines of holding regular toolbox talks at your construction worksite. Each week your supervisors or safety managers should deliver safety messages to your crews before starting work. Toolbox talks are an excellent method to present your safety messages. Some companies refer to these as ...
By Cass Jacoby. This NRCA ProCertification® event at IB Roof Systems Headquarters was all about getting as many contractors certified as possible. Last July at the IB Roof Systems plant, the National Roofing Contractors Association’s (NRCA) presented on their national certification initiative, ProCertification®. The presentation gave a variety of ...
By Heidi J. Ellsworth. Quarry field trips, meaningful discussions, Vermont leaves and splitting tiles were just some of the highlights of this annual conference. RoofersCoffeeShop® had the great pleasure and honor to be a part of the 2022 National Slate Association (NSA) annual conference. What an amazing experience! The roofing contractors and ...
By Cass Jacoby. When roofing software was first introduced to the roofing industry, it promised to make our lives easier -- so why are we wasting our time copying data across multiple applications? Let’s see if this sounds familiar: you purchased a few roofing software programs to help save time in your ...
By Trent Cotney, Adams and Reese, LLP. If the Environmental Protection Agency grants the Center for Biological Diversity's current petition, discarded items containing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) could be deemed hazardous waste If you have been on a construction site lately, you have likely come across PVC pipes. You may have also walked ...
By Cass Jacoby. Adams and Reese will be at Decks to Dockets! Here are some of their talks you cannot miss. Adams and Reese will be speaking at the National Roofing Contractors Association’s (NRCA’s) premier legal conference, Decks to Dockets, which will be taking place in Austin, TX, ...
By Evelyn Witterholt Learn more about the importance of NRCA ProCertification® for installing roof systems. The National Roofing Contractors Association is a proponent of educating roofers. The association believes through education, roofers can increase professionalism by learning and applying valuable skills. One of the ways roofing workers can develop their careers and ...