Editor's note: The following is the transcript of an live interview with Steve Little of KPost Roofing and Waterproofing, John Esbenshade of NRCA, and Henry Staggs of NCCER. You can read the interview below, watch the webinar, or listen to the podcast here. Heidi Ellsworth: Welcome, everyone to Coffee Conversations from RoofersCoffeeShop. ...
Celebrate daily as the Roofing Alliance shares National Roofing Week activities. The Roofing Alliance, the foundation of the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), proudly recognizes and celebrates the 2022 National Roofing Week. Each year, National Roofing Week, June 5-10, 2022, increases awareness about the significance of roofs to every home ...
By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. Safety Stand-Down week may be over, but talking about fall safety is a year-round topic. Learn from the experts how to prevent falls and increase safety. RoofersCoffeesShop® celebrates the 2022 National Safety Stand-Down with a Coffee Conversations episode that is all about safety and OSHA ...
By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter A strong ROOFPAC means a strong voice for the roofing industry. Make an online contribution today! One of the most impactful actions you can take to positively influence decision makers in Washington, D.C., is to invest in ROOFPAC. Simply put, ROOFPAC is the only federally ...
By METALCON. Get ready to make the most of your METALCON 2022 experience as you register and prepare for the industry’s only global event celebrating metal construction and design. METALCON is back! Are you ready? This year’s METALCON will be held at the Indiana Convention Center, October 12-14. After making ...
By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. How to help your employees adapt when you are implementing new technology so they can take advantage of the benefits. Adjusting to new technology, such as software, can be tricky. Implementing a new process can be met with some pushback as different people will ...
Tammy Hall has been asked to chair the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) Government Relations Committee for another year. Hall is the director of the marketing and service division at CFS Roofing Services. She was asked by incoming NRCA President Kyle Thomas to chair the NRCA Government Relations Committee for an ...
Editor's note: The following is the transcript of an live interview with Jared Ribble of NRCA. You can read the interview below or listen to the podcast. Megan Ellsworth: Welcome to Roofing Road Trips with Heidi. Explore the roofing industry through the eyes of a long-term professional within the trade. Listen ...
By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter. Partner with CTE schools and create opportunities! Did you know the National Roofing Contractors Association is a SkillsUSA Official Business Partner? Since 2019, NRCA has been partnering with CTE schools to increase the roofing industry's outreach in career and technical fields. These partnerships help establish ...
By Cass Jacoby, RCS Reporter Celebrate NRCA’s National Roofing Week with a fun, original 15-second company video. National Roofing Week is June 5 -11! To celebrate, the National Roofing Contractors Association is asking NRCA member companies to make a 15-second video about their company to be entered into a raffle ...