During the past few winters, WSRCA Member Contractors in varying areas of the western U.S. have reported an increasing number and intensity of winter-time ice-dam formation and resultant damage at various buildings in the western states. This Bulletin’s discussion of ice-dams, along with guidelines and suggestions for mitigation of ice dams, ...
Courtesy of OSHA and WSRCA. Re-roofing exposes workers to the hazards of demolition work at heights. With the proper fall protection, the risk of serious falls can be substantially reduced. This fact sheet highlights some of the hazards workers encounter during re-roofing and lists some practical methods employers can use to protect ...
By: Trent Cotney, Cotney Construction Law. To better understand the allocation of responsibility under OSHA’s confined space standards, it’s helpful to understand the definitions of the parties involved with the permit space. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), a confined space is one that is large enough for an ...
In our continuing efforts to provide Members with the highest level of cost-effective and cutting-edge benefits, WSRCA proudly announces our new legal partnership with Trent Cotney and Cotney Construction Law (CCL). Cotney Construction Law currently represents over 350 roofing companies in more than 30 states and is still growing! This valuable member-only ...
Here is your chance to share your expertise. Applications due November 16, 2018. With the ever-increasing popularity of the Western Roofing Expo and its educational seminars, we are making a call to all public speakers: apply to teach a seminar at the upcoming Western Roofing Expo 2019 in Las Vegas! We ...
By: Larry Oxenham, Senior Advisor, American Society for Asset Protection. There are many financial and legal myths that circulate through society. A belief in these myths may result in serious problems. In a commencement address at Yale University, President John F. Kennedy taught, “The great enemy of the truth is very often ...
WSRCA’s Industry Issues Committee is responding to reports from Member Contractors in the Western U.S. by preparing the following Information Bulletin regarding on-roof fires that have been caused by static electrical sparks during the application of single-ply membrane roofing using solvent-based adhesive. Solvent-based adhesives may release fumes when their pails/containers are ...
Western States Roofing Contractors Association (WSRCA) recently announced its technical committee assignments for the upcoming 2018-2019 year. These committees are comprised of contractor members that focus on current and continuing problems and trends in all aspects of the roofing market – including low-slope, steep-slope, waterproofing, safety and industry issues. Each ...
Courtesy of: Trent Cotney, Cotney Construction Law. Regardless of one’s opinion on the matter, it is becoming apparent that Marijuana is here to stay. While many states have legalized Marijuana for both recreational and medicinal purposes, what is unclear are the potential liabilities for an employer whose employees are actively using the ...
Falls are the leading cause of death in construction. In 2016, there were 370 fatal falls to a lower level out of 991 construction fatalities (BLS data). These deaths are preventable. Since 2012, OSHA has partnered with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) - ...