By Pli-Dek
Water is concrete's silent enemy, creeping into tiny cracks and slowly breaking down even the most robust structures. We've all seen the telltale signs: crumbling sidewalks, pitted driveways and weakened walls that were once solid. But this isn't just an aesthetic issue; when water penetrates concrete, it can compromise the entire structure, from the surface to the rebar within. Before you know it, you're not just dealing with unsightly damage, but costly repairs and potential safety hazards. So, how can you keep concrete strong, clean and intact for years to come? Here at Pli-Dek we help explain that the answer lies in one crucial step: waterproofing.
Not only does it start looking bad, but it’s also getting weaker. You have probably seen surface damage on a sidewalk or old mortar. The concrete erodes, exposing matrix materials and base concrete. In extreme cases, water will destroy concrete quickly, but generally, it takes a few years to start showing. If you see damage on the surface of the concrete, it’s a safe bet the underlying structure of the wall or floor is damaged too. If you want a concrete project to maintain its strength and fresh appearance, you need to waterproof it. Waterproofing concrete not only shields the surface but also helps protect the rebar within from rust and corrosion
Be sure to use high-quality products when waterproofing your concrete. Low-quality options can lead to wasted time and money.
Original article and photo source: Pli-Dek
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