By Sara Jonas, ICP Group. Extreme weather is on the rise. Here’s how the right strategies and technologies can help commercial roofing more reliably withstand high winds, storms and other threats. The increasing frequency of extreme weather events can be a cause for concern for commercial property owners. Whether it’s hurricanes, severe ...
Por Dani Sheehan. Un proyecto exitoso de restauración de techos requiere una evaluación exhaustiva del techo, abordar las áreas problemáticas con materiales duraderos y adaptarse a los desafíos específicos del sitio. Cuando se trata de restauración de techos, la diferencia entre una solución rápida y una solución duradera está en ...
By Dani Sheehan. A successful roof restoration project requires thoroughly evaluating the roof, addressing problem areas with durable materials and adapting to site-specific challenges. When it comes to roof restoration, the difference between a quick fix and a lasting solution lies in the details. In a recent episode of CoatingsTalk, ...
By Jessica Bravo. Spread the word, APOC is offering a Contractor Pro Loyalty Program! In a recent episode of CoatingsCast, Heidi J. Ellsworth sat with Kyle Infante and Anthony Martin from APOC to discuss the importance of strong partnerships in the roofing industry. Kyle noted, "Customer loyalty is really a ...
By Jessica Bravo. Spread the word, APOC is offering a Contractor Pro Loyalty Program! In a recent episode of CoatingsCast, Heidi J. Ellsworth sat with Kyle Infante and Anthony Martin from APOC to discuss the importance of strong partnerships in the roofing industry. Kyle noted, "Customer loyalty is really a ...
By ICP Group. Learn how reflective roof coatings benefit structures in the short- and long-term. Roof restorations are popular for the savings they can offer in comparison to roof replacements. For building owners, homeowners and property managers looking into roof restoration, they will find that those savings happen both in ...
Por Dani Sheehan. Únete a los invitados de la industria a ver este seminario web y obtén valiosas ideas para reducir el estrés y el trabajo en tu próximo proyecto de restauración de techos. En este episodio único de CoatingsTalk, Heidi J. Ellsworth no solo habla de techos; se sube ...
Por Emma Peterson. Únete a los expertos de APOC en el techo mientras recorren los primeros pasos de un proyecto de recubrimiento. En este episodio único de CoatingsTalk, Heidi J. Ellsworth se subió a un techo con John Athanasion y Mike Negrete de APOC. El trío caminó por el espacio ...
By Emma Peterson. Join experts from APOC on the roof as they walk through the first steps of a coating project. In this unique CoatingsTalk, Heidi J. Ellsworth climbed onto a roof with APOC’s John Athanasion and Mike Negrete! The trio took a walk around the space to see how ...
By APOC. Learn how to look beyond adhesion tests when evaluating a roof restoration project. Before any roof restoration project begins, you have to evaluate the roof. For many, their mind might jump directly to adhesion tests. But there are a lot of other factors that also need to be ...