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Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA)

The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance, or the “SPFA”, is the educational and technical resource to the spray polyurethane foam industry. A national 501(c)6 trade association, the SPFA was founded in 1987 and its constituents include contractors, manufacturers and distributors of spray polyurethane foam, as well as related professionals and entities involved in equipment, protective coatings, inspections, surface preparations and other key services related to spray foam. The SPFA is based in Virginia and its members span all 50 states within the USA.

Visit our website.

SprayFoam 25 Recap

The CoatingsCoffeeShop® (CCS) Crew recently attended the Sprayfoam 2025 show in Daytona Beach, Florida and were able to witness firsthand the growth in this industry. Our third year in attendance, we were able to bring our sound stage to the event for the first time, thanks to our sponsor Everest Systems

In interviews with our partners and other exhibitors, we learned about new products, trends and initiatives taking place within the industry. You can watch all of those interviews on the CoatingsCoffeeShop YouTube channel.  

Watch the interviews.

SPFA - Healthcare for SPFA Contractor, Supplier and Consultant members!

Healthcare for SPFA Contractor, Supplier and Consultant members!

SPFA works hard to professionally enhance SPFA members engaged in the SPF industry. The Alliance continues to promote and encourage professionalism through the development of certification and accreditation programs to meet industry expectations, exceed industry standards, are successful, and can perform well in their jobs. The SPFA also offers exclusive member benefits and members-only discount programs aimed at helping and improving the lives of our members and their families. Nationwide, SPF professionals have consistently told us that finding and enrolling in a high-quality health plan has become increasing difficult, very expensive and usually have limited benefits.

To address the need to access quality healthcare coverage, the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance is proud to announce a new offering exclusively developed for SPFA Contractor, Supplier and Consultant members. By partnering with World Insurance Associates and Health Cooperative Strategies, the SPFA has developed The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance Health Plan. The health plan affords SPFA members access to true large group medical benefits at significantly lower costs.  

We urge SPFA members to compare your current rates and coverage today! Some of the benefits of the plan include:

  • Exclusive rates and access for SPFA members which takes advantage of your SPFA membership.
  • Multiple plan designs and types to meet your needs with a wide range of deductibles.
  • A nationwide network of doctors and pharmacies.
  • Access to a wide range of other voluntary benefits including dental, vision and term life.
  • All health plans meet or exceed requirements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  • Concierge services to address your questions and needs.   

Healthcare benefits are volatile and costly. Either coverage is too expensive, too limited in terms of health benefits or are packaged as a “one-size fits all” plan. The Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance Health Plan helps take the guesswork out of your health benefits with exclusive access to world class, comprehensive benefits, nationwide networks of healthcare providers, and professional service for less!

When evaluating plan rates, please note:

  1. Rates are monthly premiums per employee.
  2. Company Tiers are determined by the results of the company census and personal health questionnaires (PHQs).
  3. EE, ES, EC and Family are rates for Employee Only, Employee+Spouse, Employee+Children and Family, respectively.
  4. First Health is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Aetna, Inc.

More information about rates and enrollment

For more information about the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance Health Plan, reach out to: Terence (Terry) Gorman, CHVP, terencegorman@worldinsurance.com, (848) 456-8600 extension 162.

Certification Program

PCP certifications have set the standard for the SPF industry. Customers, contractors and organization, etc. recognize and specify the SPFA Professional Certification Program (PCP) because of its comprehensive testing methods which validate an individual’s entire body of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Certification delivers

  • An affordable and consistent path to professionalism for the industry
  • Implementation of the industry’s best practices
  • Consistent installation resulting in high performance of SPF
  • A way to differentiate between SPF installers
  • Consumer confidence

PCP certified individuals

  • Understand insulation and roofing projects must be installed correctly to achieve optimum performance.
  • Know the spectrum of SPF products, their application, handling and use guidelines.
  • Demonstrate their knowledge, skills and abilities through examination, experience, criteria, and completion of the certification scheme requirements.
  • Possess professional certification credentials to validate their professionalism.
  • A professional with experience in the industry who has met a certain level of certification based on their work with SPF installation and demonstrates that they can work on the installation in a safe and consistent manner.

Learn more about our certification program.

Join SPFA!

Become a member of your industry's professional organization. As an alliance of all SPF industry stakeholders, we welcome contractors, systems houses, suppliers, equipment manufacturers, and industry consultants as members. Through our Professional Certification Program you can demonstrate your exceptional knowledge, skills and abilities related to installation techniques, health and safety considerations, and many other critical aspects of SPF. You can be kept up to date on all the newest Health and Safety issues as well as current Building Codes.

As a member of the SPFA your name will be made available to end users, architects, specifiers and builders that use the sprayfoam.org website. Lead generation opportunities will be available to you through promotional literature as well as the SprayFoam Convention & Expo.Please download the appropriate membership application below and email it to lsmith@sprayfoam.org. Membership is on a calendar year-to-year basis and all memberships expire on December 31.


SPFA focuses on the professional spray polyurethane foam (SPF) contractor in our programs and services. However, the end customer is the essential core of the SPF business. While SPFA tends to focus on technical details utilized by professionals, it is also imperative to address the consumer as the beneficiary of the high-performance product. Through SPFA and industry promotion of high-quality and safe installations, an informed and educated consumer can better select the contractor for the job, and understand the installation process along with the long-term benefits leading to increased satisfaction.

Spray polyurethane foam insulation has fantastic performance attributes including high insulating value, reduction of air and moisture movement in and out of buildings, sound attenuation, durability and depending on type, increased strength of the structure it is installed in or on. 

The most unique aspect of SPF is that in most cases, certain products can deliver all of these performance attributes in one product instead of combining several - it's more than just insulation!  That means fewer opportunities for building construction issues resulting from multiple product dependencies, multiple trades working on your project, and from individual component failures. SPF is a one-stop-shop in most cases, for consumers looking for a high-performance building solution.  It is a tried and tested product in use since the early 1960s.

Learn more about residential spray polyurethane foam.


The information contained herein is meant to be informative and brief, not prescriptive or comprehensive. For more comprehensive, detailed information please see the related links in the sections below, and consult a knowledgeable, skilled SPF contractor.

The construction and SPF industries are mutual stakeholders in the other's success and growth. It is imperative that professional construction trades be very familiar with SPF, its health and safety considerations, and the impact quality of installation has on performance.

A knowledgeable and informed construction professional, empowered by accurate consensus-developed information, can engage in meaningful dialog with SPF professionals and dramatically increase the likelihood of project success and customer satisfaction.

SPFA has endeavored to present to you relevant and empowering information on this website. We will be updating these materials regularly.

If you are a home builder, commercial builder, architect, general contractor, building code official, or otherwise considered a “professional customer” in the construction industry, the following resources are intended to aid you in your selection, specification, use and proper understanding of SPF.

Learn more about commercial spray polyurethane foam.

Latest Podcasts


Will Lorenz - The Best Show for Sprayfoam

S6:E20 In this episode of Roofing Road Trips®, Heidi J. Ellsworth and Will Lorenz of General Coatings share the excitement about the year’s biggest event for spray foam contractors, the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance 2024 Convention and Expo! Will and Heidi talk about the state of the spray foam industry and ...
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Richard Duncan - Celebrating 50 Years of Working Together

Richard Duncan - Celebrating 50 Years of Working Together

S6:E15 In this episode of Roofing Road Trips, Megan Ellsworth welcomes Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) Executive Director Richard “Rick” Duncan to learn more about their 50th anniversary and how they will be celebrating at the upcoming SprayFoam Convention and Expo March 3-6, 2024, in Las Vegas. Listen to learn all ...
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Richard Duncan - Celebrating 50 Years of Working Together

Richard Duncan - Celebrating 50 Years of Working Together

S6:E15 In this episode of Roofing Road Trips, Megan Ellsworth welcomes Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance (SPFA) Executive Director Richard “Rick” Duncan to learn more about their 50th anniversary and how they will be celebrating at the upcoming SprayFoam Convention and Expo March 3-6, 2024, in Las Vegas. Listen to learn all ...
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Latest Webinars

SPFA Tech Tuesday

SPFA - TECH TUESDAY WEBINAR - Top Five Employment Issues Within The Construction Industry

TechTuesday Webinar on Top Five Employment Issues within the Construction Industry Presented by: Benjamin Briggs, Board Certified Labor and Employment Attorney This session analyzes five critical employment issues that contractors and suppliers must navigate in order to protect their business interests and mitigate liability exposure. 1) compliance requirements and best practices for ...
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Latest Videos

SPFA Logo 2

LIVE From SPFA 2025 Video Playlist

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The Weekly Blend Episode 149

Episode 149 of The Weekly Blend LIVE from the 2025 SprayFoam Convention & Expo!

Join us every Friday to learn the latest news in the roofing industry. The 149th episode of The Weekly Blend is coming to you live from the Spray Polyurethane Foam Alliance's (SPFA) 2025 SprayFoam Convention & Expo! Join the Coffee Shops’ President Heidi Ellsworth and COO Karen Edwards for the latest ...
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The Weekly Blend - Episode 147

The Weekly Blend - Episode 147

Join us every Friday to learn the latest news in the roofing, metal and coatings industry. The 147th episode of The Weekly Blend is live! Join the Coffee Shops’ President Heidi J. Ellsworth and Multimedia Manager Megan Ellsworth for the latest episode of this Coffee Shop original web series. This week, Heidi ...
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