CCS Influencer Greg Hlvatay says that you should start by assuming that all roofs are restoration opportunities and then work backwards, looking for reasons not to restore. I am going to start off by saying that in my 50 years of experience I have found that over 60% of reroofs have ...
By Emma Peterson. Learn how regulations and building codes in California are shaping the direction of the coatings industry. In this episode of CoatingsTalk, Greg Hlavaty and Hal Leland of Western Colloid stopped by The Coffee Shops to talk to Karen Edwards about what is shaping the coatings industry today, and what ...
As the coating sector continues to grow in popularity, this podcast featuring Western Colloid experts is a great way to refresh yourself on the basics. It might only be a one-word difference, but roof coatings and roof coating systems actually refer to quite different things. As the popularity of roof restoration ...
By Emma Peterson. Western Colloid shares a variety of tips and tricks in this video to help you understand what a properly set up job site looks like. Western Colloid is a great resource in the coatings industry. With over 50 years of experience, their expert team has seen it all and ...
By Emma Peterson. Make sure to like, comment, subscribe and expand your understanding through this incredible resource. If you’re in the roofing industry or simply want to expand your knowledge of low-slope roofing, Western Colloid's YouTube channel is a must-watch. With over 100 videos, there’s something for everyone, whether you’re looking for ...
Our Influencers program celebrates its ninth year of giving back to the industries it serves. The Coffee Shops™, the award-winning websites where the industries meet for technology, information and everyday business, announces the 2025 Influencers for RoofersCoffeeShop (RCS), MetalCoffeeShop® (MCS), CoatingsCoffeeShop® (CCS) and RCS en Español. Each month, ...
By Emma Peterson. As we look towards 2025, let’s take a quick look back at what was top of mind for home and building owners in 2024! Here at AskARoofer, our goal is to find the answers to any roofing-related questions you have! In the last year, we are proud ...
By Jesse Sanchez. Why liquid-applied membranes are revolutionizing roofing in today’s environment. The conversation around liquid-applied roofing systems is changing as their role in restoration and sustainability gains prominence. In this CoatingsTalk, hosted by Karen Edwards, Greg Hlavaty and Hal Leland from Western Colloid explore the nuances of fluid-applied systems, ...
By Emma Peterson. Learn how coatings have grown from being a too often forgotten part of the industry to the global market standard they are today. Coatings are a huge area of growth in the roofing industry due to the benefits they offer both contractors and building owners. But they ...
Editor's note: The following is the transcript of a live interview with Greg Hlavaty and Hal Leland of Western Colloid. You can read the interview below, listen to the podcast or watch the recording. Intro: Hello, everyone and welcome to this edition of Coatings Talk from CoatingsCoffeeShop. My name's Karen Edwards ...