By Western Colloid. Learn all about Charlie’s successful ride at Western Colloid and what he brought to the company and the contractors they serve. Charlie had his start at Western Colloid at their Oakland, California plant in 1980. It was there he learned the basics of manufacturing and facilities management ...
By Western Colloid. Here’s what you need to know to keep your workers and hospital employees safe. A crucial part of daily hospital operations are infection control procedures, which also serve as one of the most important safety measures in both interior and exterior hospital construction projects. Construction-specific infection control procedures are ...
By Western Colloid. Improper drainage can be detrimental to a building’s roof. Undetected leaks can lead to extensive water damage for your customers’ roofs, not to mention the potential for mold growth and structural damage. A commercial building’s roof takes a beating, exposed to the elements as it ...
By Western Colloid. Advice for minimizing disruptions and avoiding complaints during roof tear-offs. Maintaining your building requires maintaining the roof and ensuring it is in good repair. Roofs protect building inhabitants from wind, rain, snow, hail and damaging UV rays, for decades. Due to their level of exposure to the elements, roofs ...
By Western Colloid. Healthcare workers, patients and residents need functional and safe buildings now more than ever. For many reasons, the healthcare industry has received a spotlight of attention from news and media outlets due to the advent of COVID-19. While it’s imperative that healthcare workers on the frontline receive the support ...
By Western Colloid. Maintaining a commercial building requires planning, regular maintenance and good budgeting skills. Owning a commercial building requires a large investment by the owner. Not just in purchasing a property, but also an investment in the care and maintenance of the building - especially its roof. While wear and ...
By Western Colloid. Building owners aren't always thinking about how their roof can help their building's energy efficiency, but the right coating can make a big difference. As building owners are searching for ways to make their properties more energy efficient, they turn to new windows, lighting that uses less electricity and ...
By Karen L. Edwards, RCS Editor. Fluid-applied Reinforced Roofing system is suited for Denver’s climate and green building roof requirements. While attending the recent Denver National Women in Roofing (NWiR) event, RCS partner Heidi J. Ellsworth met Janice Stitzer of CIG Construction. Janice co-founded and owns CIG Construction, with her husband Kelly ...
By Western Colloid. If your roof is aging, a reflective coating may be an option to not only extend its life, but add energy efficient benefits at the same time. Let’s talk about what ages a roof. On its own, the materials that make up commercial roofing systems are extremely durable. Without ...
By Western Colloid. The advancements in solar efficiencies and lowering costs mean that more owners are performing solar retrofits. Coupled with rising energy costs, green energy incentives and an increasing number of municipal ordinances, many building owners and operators have performed solar retrofitting on their facility, with great success. Out of Sync Modern solar ...