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Create “Ingaging” Presentations to Retain Clients

Ingage Create "Ingaging" Presentations
October 9, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

By Ingage. 

Using Ingage’s construction presentation software can help your business retain clients during the slow season.  

‍First impressions mean everything, and your sales pitch can make or break your customer retention. Your presentations are a reflection of your company, and that’s why using a powerful presentation software like Ingage can keep your retention rate high. Here are some pro tips to help you make engaging presentations that will impress your customers: 

Not all clients are the same 

In many cases, using a presentation sample from your office suite or your internal database is good enough to get your message across. These samples are convenient to use and allow you to deliver visually engaging presentations without having to spend hours preparing them. 

The only downside to using samples is that they may look run-of-the-mill, which can fail to retain clients’ attention and presentation samples often don’t come with certain elements or information integral to your discussion with a specific client. This is where you should consider the following strategies to improve your presentation samples. 

1 - Personalization 

Don’t settle for generic presentations — there is nothing worse than putting your client through a boring presentation when they have a busy schedule. Instead, customize your presentation samples based on your prospects to create content that resonates with their interests. For instance, you can tweak the following elements of your presentation:   

Embed your company logo to make it look more professional 

Incorporate your client’s logo and colors 

Replace the images with ones that are related to your client’s industry 

2 - Trust 

Fostering trust is an important strategy for retaining clients. This is why with every presentation you prepare, you have to show clients that you understand their concerns and are able to provide the solutions they need. 

Developing this trust can help turn your customers into brand ambassadors. This is crucial at a time when consumers tend to trust influencers and brand ambassadors more than advertisements. Consequently, this allows you to build your credibility and expand your customer base for the long term. 

Customizing presentations to retain clients 

Creating a dynamic presentation starts with personalized content. Below are a few of the best practices you can apply to help you do this. 

1 - Do company research 

Make your sales pitch stand out by displaying your knowledge of your client’s business. Nowadays, you can get information about practically any company or industry online. You can compile data on a client’s strategies and pain points using search engines, social media or business forums. Using this information, you can then present your products and services to clients according to their specific needs. 

2 - Reference their competitors 

Aside from addressing your client's unique concerns, you can also use your presentation to reference their competitors. Point out strategies that their competitors are utilizing and then show how your products and services can outdo them. This allows clients to understand your sales points in the context of their industry. 

3 - Include a value proposition 

Merely listing your product’s extensive features and your roster of previous clients are not enough to impress a prospect. This is why it pays to draft a value proposition statement in line with your prospect’s business goals. This should outline the outcomes and specific benefits that your client can gain if they use your product or service.   

4 - Offer unique insights 

You can use your presentation to create a eureka moment for your client by offering unique insights about their business. With all the data that you have collated from researching their company and competitors, you can then point out ideas or problems they haven’t thought of. This can help you make your presentation more engaging and interactive. 

Keeping things interesting 

Personalized content aside, it’s also important to create an interactive presentation to keep things interesting for your audience. Outlined below are some techniques you can try to retain your clients’ attention during the presentation. 

1 - Start with a related story 

Everybody loves a good story, so it’s no surprise that storytelling can help increase sales. Creating a narrative around your sales presentation can help your audience visualize the points that you’re making. For example, instead of listing out statistics from a case study relevant to your client, you can illustrate how using your products and services contributed to those statistics. 

2 - Avoid walls of text 

The more text you use in your presentation, the more likely it is that your clients will read the text rather than listen to you while you present. This is why it is important to limit your presentation’s content to key talking points instead of using paragraphs of information. Aside from streamlining the discussion, this also gives your slides more space for visual aid, which is far more interesting for your clients. 

3 - Include images and videos 

Humans are visual creatures, so you can’t really fault your audience for getting bored when your presentation only contains blocks of text. By adding images, infographics and other visual elements to your slideshows, you can: 

If you want to take things to the next level, you can also embed videos into your presentation. Be it product demos, facility tours, interviews or promotional videos, incorporating this can help add some variety to your sales presentation content. 

4 - Interact with your audience 

How you conduct the sales presentation also impacts your ability to retain clients. Rather than simply walking your prospects through product or service information, you should try to form a connection with them. For example, you can open your presentation with an icebreaker or ask your client to share a personal experience related to the topic. 

5 - Include relevant data and graphs 

While numerical data adds substance to sales presentations, it can be intimidating to look at. To simplify it and make it easier to grasp, you can present this data in the form of charts and graphs. This allows you to highlight data points in your presentation and help your audience grasp your message quicker. 

6 - Don’t be a dull presenter 

At the end of the day, a sales presentation’s success lies in its presenter. Presenters must have both a mastery of the topics to be discussed and the communication skills to captivate their audience. They should also follow best practices such as: 

Easily create and customize your presentations 

Personalizing your sales presentations goes a long way if you want to retain clients. However, preparing them can be tedious if you don’t have the right tools. This is where presentation software like Ingage proves useful to your arsenal of business systems. 

Ingage equips sales teams with customizable presentation samples that allow them to effortlessly create stunning sales presentations. With Ingage, you can build shareable presentations in line with your branding and embed videos, audio and animation to make them more dynamic. To learn more about how Ingage can help your sales initiatives, schedule a demo. 

Original article source: Ingage

Learn more about Ingage in their Coffee Shop Directory or visit www.ingage.io.

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